With customer experience design, functional is good. But don’t stop there – by Beth Richardson

"Focus on the whole journey, not just the transaction".  In the world of Customer Experience (CX) you will hear this phrase frequently.  But what does it mean? It’s the difference between a task and a purpose.  The difference between a user story like the one above, and meeting a customer's overall goal.  It is important to [...]

DELTA Vs VIRGIN – a Customer Experience Comparison by Michael Bartlett

If you have been a follower of my writing for some time, you will know that I am no stranger to air travel! Having flown over 300 times in the last two years alone, I am well versed in the differences between airlines. In fact, one of my most read posts is a review I conducted [...]

How to Embed a Customer Experience Framework 

In my exclusive column for CustomerThink in October 2016, I shared my ‘top tips’ for creating the right culture to enable an organisation to become genuinely customer centric. Whilst the list of seven things is by no means exhaustive, in my experience, together they provide a remarkably solid foundation to embedding the right environment and [...]

Customer Experience Measurement – Why it is Vitally Important BUT Badly Done!

When it comes to the profession that Customer Experience has now become, one of the most important and significant competencies required by all organisations is that of measurement. The ability of a company to robustly and continuously capture a ‘fact based’ understanding of how capable they are of meeting customer needs and expectations is critical [...]

Broken Promises: the easiest way to destroy the Customer Experience!

When it comes to the subject of Customer Experience, there is one thing I can say with absolute certainty - if you make a promise or a commitment to a customer, you had better keep it! Telling a customer you are going to do something is as good as making a solemn vow. Making a [...]

What has Customer Experience got to do with me, the Chief Information Officer?

I regularly find myself saying that many organisations are still grappling with understanding the fact that their Customers have always had an Experience with them! Some argue that Customer Experience has existed in the world of business for years and years. However, in the interactions I have had with businesses in multiple sectors all over [...]

Customer Experience is Dead – the case for the prosecution!

Over the last ten years, I have observed and been part of a tidal wave of focus on Customer Experience. Despite the fact that customer journeys have always existed (although few actually realised it) and customers have always been willing to give feedback, it is only since the start of the new millennium that organisations began [...]

Wake up, do stuff, go to bed, wake up again – understanding the true ‘end to end’ customer journey

Have you heard the term 'customer journey'? Silly question eh? It is becoming increasingly difficult to find anyone in business who has not heard the term. Hearing it and understanding it do not necessarily come hand in hand though. Whilst many hear 'customer journey' banded about as a term, there is still a very long [...]

By |2015-04-13T13:24:04+01:00February 5th, 2014|Customer Journeys|2 Comments

Facebook is not even 10 years old! How technology and innovation is influencing the customer experience

My eldest daughter Ciara is 10. When she came into the world, Facebook did not exist. It was still just an innovative idea being developed in the mind of its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. A little over three years ago, the iPad did not exist. First launched in April 2010, it is hard to remember what life was like without [...]

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